(Although I'm certain the answer is READY!)
It looks like your packages will start going out tomorrow!!!! How exciting is that??!
Pam, Pat, Lorraine and I worked hard all day...but we sure had some great fun! Here are some snapshots to capture the magnitude and madness of it all...

Thanks so much Pam, Pat, and Lorraine for all your help. You made it so much fun and so much easier! As a special thank you, I'll send you the recipe for the cheese lava. ha ha! (If Pam or Lorraine have a good picture of the cheese lava maybe they'll post it with an explanation...)
Oh my! I knew there was a lot of work involved in organizing it all but I truly had no real concept of the scope of the entire project. Amy, I'm forever grateful to you for your willingness to endure this process. I'm also grateful to your helpers today and hope that all of you had a lot of giggles along the way.
soooooo excited!!!
Aaaahhhhhhh!!! I'm can't wait! Thank you girls for everything. And Miss Amy...I bow down. Truly. I gotta go get my little house ready.
Goodie Goodie Gumdrops :) Thanks, from me too- Amy, Pat, Pam and Lorraine :)
O O O O O How fun is this!!! My stack of littles is #43 and I saw some of them in the outgoing boxes. I'm swooning here just imagining getting my HUGE box of littles.
Amy, I'm in awe of the magnitude of this endeavor. WOW Thank you from the bottom of my heart for doing this for us. And special thanks too for Pat, Pam, and Lorraine for all of their help. It looks like you gals had a good time playing with all the littles. I imagine there were lots of laughs and good times yesterday.
wowser. what a huge job you gals did. thank you all so much for all of your hard work. i am over the moon looking at those pictures. thank you thank you thank you.
Oh wow!!! What an amazing operation you have going on there! I am soooo excited to get the returns and see all these little lovelies! The packaging is gorgeous... I can only imagine what's inside!!!! Thank you soooo much for putting all this together... and to your weet helper elves too!!!
Oh joy, oh joy! Thanks to all you lovely ladies!!
without gloating, i do have to say that my box did arrive today.... It was almost impossible to do the following......, but i had to put it aside til "someone - anyone" was here with me, so that i could share in my utter excitement. Even though I had helped Amy divide the parcels.. I hadn't seen the final wrapping, and that is why I asked her if she wouldn't mind mailing my box to me, rather than my bringing it home in my back seat, without Amy's final touches. Well, I am here to tell you, that the intense pleasure I have experienced in the last few minutes is indescribable! It's the kind of fun that is sooo good, that you have to stop after a few minutes.. and go do something else... or you will be knocked out!! I decided to only open 3 items every 30 minutes.. so I have only done 3... and oh my goodness, each of them is so special.... but I have to tell you.. that since you are each going to receive one of Amy's... I can say this much. .."DONT MISS ONE LITTLE ASPECT OF IT!! YOU CANNOT IMAGINE THE TROUBLE SHE HAS GONE TO TO MAKE HER SPECIAL SOMETHING SOOOOO SPECIAL. IT WILL KNOCK YOUR SOCKS OFF". so open it carefully and meticulously and put reading glasses on, even if you don't usually wear them!!!! WOW OH WOW
I am so honored to be a part of this MAJOR operation! I cannot thank you enough for all you hard work...I'm sooooo excited for my package to arrive. (and so are all my "envious" friends and neighbors!!! I also wanted to say how fun it has been to "meet" all the other participants through their blogs.
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